• Windsor Montessori School:
    01753 868 399
  • Windsor Montessori House of Children:
    01753 830 525

Importance of early years: birth to three and beyond

Montessori Early Years Education programmes support a child’s different stages of learning and development.  A series of learning passages in an uninterrupted continuum. With this in mind our Montessori classrooms are divided into multi-age classrooms. Each environment reflecting the natural learning characteristics of the child at different stages of their early years development.

A child between birth and 3 years rapidly acquires everything he/she needs to function in his/her later life. Though this has a natural process of unfolding, the environment we provide plays a crucial and a significant aid to this natural process,  in aiding, to build a solid foundation,  for his/her next stage of development. 

Both our Windsor Montessori Schools have created these stimulating prepared environments, inside and out, in beautiful spacious buildings, with beautiful surroundings in Windsor, to support your child in his/her life long learning.

The three prepared environments we provide in our nursery are an ‘aid to life’ which supports babies, toddlers and young children in:

  • Movement: “Help me to move by myself”
  • Communication: “Help me to communicate with you”
  • Independence: “Help me to do it by myself”
  • Self-discipline: “Help me to be responsible for myself”